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First Week of Instructional Plan

Hello!  I am excited to be working on an instructional plan for my school!  I work at Cannon River STEM School in Faribault, MN.  We use place based, project based and inquiry based learning, along with our outdoor environment to teach our students to be great questioners, researchers and independent thinkers who are also cared for and encouraged to be their true selves.  We sit upon 52 acres of wooded land that we use regularly to teach.  We work hard to teach our students 5 core values (perseverence, respect, responsibility, acceptance and curiosity) and to use a growth mindset as they work through challenges. While, we have our share of academic issues, one thing that I am passionate about is the staff's emotional intelligence and resiliency.  We ask our students to engage in critical thinking about their resiliency and attitudes, but we rarely do so ourselves.  We, as adults, find it hard to use a growth mindset, assess our attitudes and work on ourselves to reach a higher po

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